The future of skin treatments starts now
The Celestial C31™ is a powerful modular multi-application platform, inspired by the brightest constellation in the sky.
It enables you to safely and effectively treat different indications in different skin types, age, and gender, without the need for disposables.
The Celestial C31™ OPT® advantages:
Control pulse shape by equalizing energy distribution over the entire pulse or sequential pulses.
Gentler, more comfortable, patient-friendly procedures, with lower effective fluences.
High peak power, shorter pulses – optimal for photorejuvenation and treatment of benign pigmented lesions.
Advanced OPT will also allow determining the specific fluence per sub-pulse when using multiple- sequential pulsing (MSP™), for fine- tuned treatment settings.
Multiple Types of treatments
- Vascular Lesions
Non-invasive treatment for Leg Veins, Facial Veins, Broken Capillaries, Rosacea and redness.
- Photofractional
Sequential treatment of IPL and ResurFX™ for both skin texture and tone, for overall improved skin appearance.
- Acne
A gentle IPL treatment that addresses both the p.acnes bacteria, as well as the pigmentation and rednesss of the skin.
-Textural Treatments
Fractional skin rejuvenation solution to improve skin texture.
- Pigmentation & Tattoos
Non-invasive treatment to reduce unwanted pigmentation and tattoos.
Price: $12,329
Contact us for information